Cert TBA
90 mins
BBFC advice: TBA
It's the Easter holidays, so the inevitable rash of children's movies is upon us.
Latest up, and only being shown at a handful of selected cinemas, is Christian De Vita's rather charming Yellowbird.
This is one for the younger kids who will enjoy the against-the-odds theme and have a couple of chuckles at the feathery antics.
Yellowbird (voiced by Seth Green) is an orphan who has been brought up on a derelict northern European farm by a ladybird (Yvette Nicole Brown) and a group of rabbits.
Thanks to a rather sheltered opening years, he is afraid to leave his comfortable environs and fly off to see the rest of the world.
However, his hand is forced after he discovers the leader (Danny Glover) of a nearby flock, dying just before he was due to emigrate with his family to Africa.
With his last words he passes on the route to Yellowbird, simultaneously handing him a huge responsibility.
Yellowbird is as light as its title suggests with only threats coming from the occasional cat chase or near-miss with a plane.
Other than that it is all about Yellowbird trying to prove himself to his new-found friends and, in particular, to an unlikely love interest (Dakota Fanning).
Children will enjoy it but it could well be that parents, having seen the like so many times before, have a bit of a snooze.
I caught it on itunes,
Reasons to watch: easygoing family fun
Reasons to avoid: lacks much substance
Laughs: one chuckle
Jumps: none
Vomit: none
Nudity: none
Overall rating: 6/10
Star tweet
Cert TBA
90 mins
BBFC advice: TBA
It's the Easter holidays, so the inevitable rash of children's movies is upon us.
Latest up, and only being shown at a handful of selected cinemas, is Christian De Vita's rather charming Yellowbird.
This is one for the younger kids who will enjoy the against-the-odds theme and have a couple of chuckles at the feathery antics.
Yellowbird (voiced by Seth Green) is an orphan who has been brought up on a derelict northern European farm by a ladybird (Yvette Nicole Brown) and a group of rabbits.
Thanks to a rather sheltered opening years, he is afraid to leave his comfortable environs and fly off to see the rest of the world.
However, his hand is forced after he discovers the leader (Danny Glover) of a nearby flock, dying just before he was due to emigrate with his family to Africa.
With his last words he passes on the route to Yellowbird, simultaneously handing him a huge responsibility.
Yellowbird is as light as its title suggests with only threats coming from the occasional cat chase or near-miss with a plane.
Other than that it is all about Yellowbird trying to prove himself to his new-found friends and, in particular, to an unlikely love interest (Dakota Fanning).
Children will enjoy it but it could well be that parents, having seen the like so many times before, have a bit of a snooze.
I caught it on itunes,
Reasons to watch: easygoing family fun
Reasons to avoid: lacks much substance
Laughs: one chuckle
Jumps: none
Vomit: none
Nudity: none
Overall rating: 6/10
Star tweet
Here it comes! Check out a movie I worked on, #Yellowbird, this month.