135. Zootropolis; movie review

Cert PG
108 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild threat

Here it is - the Easter movie which everyone should see.
Byron Howard, Rich Moore and Jared Bush's Zootropolis is charming, fast-paced and funny. It is Disney at its best and will be loved by children and their parents.
Its only minus is that its best gag is given away in its trailer. I was tempted not to include it on the bottom of this review but did so for the sake of completeness. However, I advise you to steer clear of it.
There was a team of ten high-quality writers on Zootropolis and that stands out. The gags are sharp, be they verbal or physical but there are also important messages about tolerance which are deftly handled.
Audiences will also fall for its characters and be inwardly (or maybe outwardly) cheering them on.
Zootropolis is a world which is populated by cartoon animals, who live side by side, despite their obvious differences. However, there is an underlying distrust between those which are natural predators and those which are natural prey.
The key character is a rabbit called Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnfer Goodwin) whose ambition to become a cop is derided by everyone.
However, against all the odds, she breezes through police academy and finds herself on the Zootropolis force.
There, she is not initially taken seriously, particularly be her buffalo captain (Idris Elba) who puts her on parking duty.
But Judy is not to be denied and finds herself at the centre of an investigation into missing mammals, picking up an unlikely fox sidekick (Jason Bateman) along the way.
The detail of Zootropolis is key to its quality. For example, the way its street scenes accommodate the smallest mouse and the largest giraffe seamlessly.
And the jokes are so good that I laughed out loud again at one which was repeated on the radio a couple of days ago.
Do yourselves a favour, go watch.

Reasons to watch: charming fast-paced animation 
Reasons to avoid: it's a cartoon!

Laughs: four
Jumps: none
Vomit: none
Nudity: naturist cartoon animals (really!)
Overall rating: 9/10
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It’s here! The official video for , Shak’s new song from the movie - ShakHQ